Found at the Daily Kos:
Why trust someone who smirks and prevaricates? McCain is running a dirty campaign. Period.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Attack Machine is up and running
Monday, July 28, 2008
Young minds wither with MTV attack ad
MTV now accepts political ads. I hear Candidate McCain is buying time on MTV to broadcast a negative attack on Barack Obama—saying he's "worse than a flip-flopper" and accusing him of no longer being against the war. That'll kill the hope in young minds.
S.O.P. for the G.O.P.
I hate to give broadcasters money for political ads, but I'll be making an exception. Take a look below at what can be a better political ad, one that is closer to the truth, then click here to make a donation so it can really happen.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
McCain Needs Ritalin, Not Viagra
What a silly man.
Just another example of how confused his campaign is.
Send McCain your thoughts about his views above.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Remember When Politicians Tried the Truth?
President Carter is clearly vindicated. America had a choice. They chose good ol' "Morning-in-America" Reagan. (Maybe giving Americans the hard facts was too much for voters to handle.)
What a song and dance it's been since 1980. We've experienced the largest transfer of wealth ever from the middle class to the rich. So much for the so-called "free market" ideas and trickle-down economics of Ronnie Reagan and economic advisor Marty Feldstein ! They served only to make a small percentage of Americans (about 2%) very wealthy. Their promised middle class dream was floated on a seductive bubble of credit schemes and pipe dreams whose basis in fact was just a remake of the Ponzi schemes of old.
How many bubbles have we lived through since 1980? The junk bond debacle? Savings and loan collapse? The year 2001 internet/market collapse? Enron? Today's mortgage meltdown? Now the banks are stretched, fearing a rush on liquidity. Oh, how's our national debt situation?
Phil "Americans-are-whiners" Gramm (recent ex economic guru to "Bomb-bomb-Iran-let-them-die-of-cancer" McCain) lobbied hard in the early nineties to have investment banks excluded from ANY oversight. He got his wish. Now nobody knows how much bad paper we've sold to the rest of the world. It's causing global panic. Heck of a job, Phil!
Timin', a tick-a-tick-a-tick-a timin'…
Can you spell k-a-r-m-a? Nearly thirty years worth of blowing bubbles and pipe dreams and "they'll-greet-us-in the-streets-with-flowers" nonsense is coming back with compound interest. Instead of letting the perps get away with their usual M.O. - drifting away from their messes with golden parachutes while using our tax dollars to clean up - why not ask them to give us our money back for this grand 30-year fraud?
Think about how you might phrase that! :>)
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Dump Verizon and AT&T
(Yes, this is a shamless ad, but please read on.)
Congress voted today to give immunity to the telecom companies that cooperated with the administration on the secret and illegal FISA wiretaps. One company stood apart and refused -
CREDO Mobile:
- When the ACLU sued the National Security Agency over warrantless wiretapping, CREDO joined with an amicus brief — the only phone company to do so.
- AT&T's Political Action Committee contributed the maximum amount allowable by law to the Bush/Cheney campaign — twice. CREDO has given $60 million to progressive nonprofits like Planned Parenthood, Earthjustice and Iraq Vets Against the War.
- Verizon tried to block NARAL Pro-Choice America's text messages, calling them "unsavory." CREDO supports text messaging for progressive causes through our Mobile Action program.
- AT&T has censored criticism of Bush during a concert webcast. CREDO fights for net neutrality as a member of the Save the Internet Coalition.
Make the switch now, and they'll buy out your existing contract and give you a nice phone.
Posted by
5:30 PM
Labels: Congress, CREDO, FISA, vicious Right
Monday, July 7, 2008
What Moral Integrity?
Are we a moral nation?
It is a fact that a large majority of Americans feel we were NOT told the truth before going to war with Iraq, and they now regret even going there. Then why isn't there more support for the impeachment resolutions introduced by Rep. Kucinich?
Are Americans immoral? Complacent? Intimidated? Or do they just not know how to contact their Congress people? Is there really any reasonable excuse? Did you believe the German people in 1945 when they cried, "We didn't know!!"?
Have you heard of Vincent Bugliosi's new book, “The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder”? It's number 14 on the New York Times best seller list. Since being published in May, it has sold a staggering 130,000 copies. Yet there have been no book reviews of it on the corporate controlled TV, cable, magazines or major newspapers. Why not?
Mr. Bugliosi said bookers for cable television, where he has made regular appearances to promote books, have ignored his latest offering. MSNBC and Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” were two outlets Mr. Bugliosi had thought would show interest, but neither did.Perhaps that is why Obama has moved so far to the right so very recently - the soft Democratic left fearing the unpredictable, intimidating, outrageous distortions of the right. It's a toss up whether he's more "right" than Hillary at this point. Hillary knows how to defend herself against the hate and venom of the vicious Right. Perhaps she was the better choice, practically speaking.“They are not responding at all,” he said. “I think it all goes back to fear. If the liberal media would put me on national television, I think they’d fear that they would be savaged by the right wing. The left wing fears the right, but the right does not fear the left.”
Ex-Prosecutor’s Book Accuses Bush of Murder,, July 7, 2008.
Let's not write her off yet. Obama could have some more serious problems with guilt by association that he may not be able to shake.
So how does the right wing always escape the huge scandals they so obviously participate in? Will our President be impeached? Will he stand trial for murder? Did Reagan get in any real trouble exchanging arms for hostages with Iran (the secret brokered deal he made with the "enemy" behind our backs prior to the 1980 election)? How has McCain managed to escape his due as one of the corrupt Keating Five?
Are we immoral people, or do we just cower in fear of our "masters"? Is either option acceptable in the eyes of history?
Posted by
5:11 PM