Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Become a Pool Boy, Start a Revolution

What a sacrifice our Prez makes! He whores for US! No wonder he keeps getting re-elected (not).

Too bad not every American is so grateful.

"If every American had to pool-boy for these people for a day, you'd have a revolution on your hands."
You say you want a revolution? The ex-pool boy to the elder Bush has the answer.

Do it!

I suggest this because no one so much as burped at Alan Greenspan's comment that the war in Iraq is "largely about oil". Well heck, that's no surprise, but why isn't that front page breaking news in the US media? Or is it too tragic to admit publicly the WMD/Democracy/Freedom issue was utter bull (yawn).

We all knew the truth and couldn't stop the insanity. The media can assume shame for that. We know our disastrous and short-sighted policies toward the Mideast for the last century have been about oil…and racism toward the heathen Arabs…and support for dictatorships like the Saudi royal family, to whom the Bushs' are wed.
Iraqis are sick of foreign people coming in their country and trying to destabilize their country. —George W. Bush
No wonder they hate us.

Suppose this were your daily life? Take a moment, at least, to sign another petition asking Congress to recognize that there are likely over a million Iraqi deaths due to the US invasion.

Get angry and do something inventive.