Saturday, December 1, 2007

Write Karl Rove

I know the thought makes you sick, but hear me out. is reporting that Uncle Karl is trying to blame Congress for starting the disaster in Iraq. Yeah, that's hardly surprising. It's always someone else's fault - the typical MO of the Bush bunch.

Well, suck it up. DCCC made it very easy to write to Mr. Dirty Tricks himself. If I can do it, you certainly can.

Here's my opus:


Lately I hear you are crediting Congress with starting the disastrous war in Iraq. Oh, you're blaming Congress? The war's a mistake?

It doesn't surprise me you and your eminently presumptuous crowd believe you don't make mistakes. I only hope you offer this as a defense in your war crimes trial, a time of judgement long overdue.

You'll thank us from jail.
Start now, write your own missive.

Here's the beef from

We're compiling a holiday present for Rove to remember -- all your letters chock full of the truth. Help us hit Rove hard with a heavy dose of reality.

Karl Rove has been going around town, blaming Congress for starting the failed war in Iraq. That's right -- he is actually trying to make people forget that President Bush started this disastrous war in a ludicrous attempt to rewrite the history books. But this Sunday, Chairman Van Hollen will call him on it.

Help us set the record straight. Send a letter to Karl Rove himself.

While it's on your mind, write a letter to the editor.

When you're finished, post them to my comment section.

Thanks. :>)