Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kennedy for Veep! (Caroline Kennedy, that is)

Two of the three rumored Obama VeeP candidates voted for the war. Obama built his campaign voting against it. The other one is unknown. Caroline Kennedy is outside the Democratic establishment, and is known and loved by Dems and Republicans alike. A no-brainer of a choice, Obama. Michael, I like your idea.

Be sure, also, to read :

Follow This Dime

Why Misgovernment Was No Accident in George W. Bush's Washington
By Thomas Frank
"…Mass firing of federal prosecutors; bribing of newspaper columnists; pallets of shrink-wrapped cash "misplaced" in Iraq; inexperienced kids running the Baghdad stock exchange; the discovery that many of Alaska's leading politicians are apparently on the take -- our heads swim. We climb to the rooftop, but we cannot find the heights of irony from which we might laugh off the blend of thug and Pharisee that was Tom DeLay -- or dispel the nauseating suspicion, quickly becoming a certainty, that the government of our nation deliberately fibbed us into a pointless, catastrophic war."
Then, buy his latest book, The Wrecking Crew.