Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas, from Ronald Reagan!

"I'm sending coffin nails to all my friends, and the tobacco companies are glad to finance my campaigns to boot. What a laugh!"

Smoke all the Chesterfields you want, but will Mr. Reagan's party take care of you when you're old and dying of cancer? I don't think so. Dear Ron was one of the first to attack the original Medicare program as "socialized medicine".

The refrain still works today, apparently. Corporate welfare is fine; taking care of your citizens' deteriorating health when they use your products, like tobacco, well . . . that's positively un-American.

Remember how hard it was to fight the Big Tobacco lobby in the previous century, then think about how effective Big Insurance has been in defeating decent, affordable health care.

In case you had any doubts about who runs the show, see "Class War Is Over, Working People Lost".

Smoke Chesterfields, for a taste that's mild and soothing to your throat with no unpleasant after-taste. Doctor recommended!