Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Nuclear Power is Safe. Ha, ha!

What's that yellow liquid seeping under the doorway? Why it's highly enriched uranium!

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — A three-year veil of secrecy in the name of national security was used to keep the public in the dark about the handling of highly enriched uranium at a nuclear fuel processing plant — including a leak that could have caused a deadly, uncontrolled nuclear reaction.

The leak was just one of nine problems since 2005 at privately owned Nuclear Fuel Services, which has most recently been turning the U.S. government's weapons-grade uranium stockpile into commercial reactor fuel. Over nine gallons of highly enriched uranium seeped out of a transfer line onto the floor and was first noticed by a passing employee when the yellowish liquid seeped into the hallway.

It looks like "National Security" is back to its old tricks again. This is an administration that hates competent oversight of anything, needing secrecy to cover up its failings. Katrina, Iraq, the Utah mine disaster? (You do know that Richard Strickler, the Mine Safety and Health Administrator was a Bush recess appointment? Yes, even the Republicans didn't want him. Richie hated all those stupid mine safety regulations, coming from a mining industry family himself. Yep, just like Brownie, he was a Bushie-man, only W had to appoint him during the recess because nobody else wanted him.)

With that kind of a record, how can we possibly trust our President to protect us from a nuclear accident? Time to get busy and push your representative for impeachment. If immorality and criminal behavior don't motivate you, how about gross incompetence? How about a glowing, unapproachable Tennessee - for the next 20,000 years?

Get busy. Please. Dump Dick first. I'll show you the winning entry from the Dump Dick YouTube group in the next post.
