Monday, November 26, 2007

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

It's getting harder and harder to keep my sanity these days, what with reading about Dick Cheney's sadistic passion for shooting tame animals, so I thought I'd offer the ultimate antidote to insanity, Andy Warhol.

For the truly inspired among you, click on the video clip below, "Scenes from the Life of Andy Warhol", a work by Jonas Mekas, a genius filmmaker and wonderful human being. For those who were around back in the day, enjoy the '60s redux. Jonas ably captures the spirit of creativity's bursting chaos. It's well worth your time to look through Jonas' entire anthology.

OK, now. Back to the present reality. Please take note.

Help the whales, help the ocean, help yourself.

Stop Japan's Whaling Fleet From Killing Humpbacks!

Next month, the Japanese Government plans to send its whaling fleet into the protected waters of the Southern Ocean Sanctuary around Antarctica. And this year, Japan is threatening to add humpback whales to its target list!
Oh, and don't let the folks who recently conspired to spy on you off the hook.
Tell the Senate Judiciary Committee: No Amnesty for AT&T and Verizon
In recent weeks, Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee caved to the White House and cut a deal to grant retroactive immunity to telecom giants who colluded in Bush's illegal program to spy on Americans.

The bill -- a so-called "fix" to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act -- is now being debated by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Fortunately, most of the Democrats on the committee appear ready to strike the amnesty language from the bill. But we still need to make sure they stand strong as pressure increases around this critical vote.

Fax your senator to oppose amnesty for lawbreaking telcos in the FISA reform bill.