Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mr. Misogyny

Many of you may think I lost it on my previous post. Perhaps.

I was angry. McCain's misogyny reflects the nature of the paternalistic oligarchy we all live under. I was merely focusing on the essence of what he seemed to propose in his solution to appease critics of his stand against equal pay for women. As repulsive as it was to read, it was meant to be satirical. My apologies if it seemed mean-spirited.

Before you rap my knuckles, compare me to Nora Ephron, the screenwriter and satirist, writing about whether Pennsylvania White Men hate blacks more than women. So much for a respectful dialog this campaign season.

Can anyone be worse than Bush? I think McCain is. So help me. How are we going to break this insurgency?!


Don't you think the Yearning for Zion Ranch looks like a 19th century high security prison?

If you think the Yearning for Zion Ranch story is bizarre, think again. These fundamentalists are not small in numbers. Many voters like absolutes, they want someone to structure their time on this earth with clear cut "do's and do not's". Yet there are large entities that encourage these fundamentalist trends.

"Catholic charities do a lot of good, but the Vatican is a major obstacle to the advancement of women's human rights. In Nicaragua and El Salvador it recently won a total ban on abortion that has already led to dozens of deaths."
Katha Pollitt, writing for, thinks the two religions aren't as far apart as you might think.

Who can tell me when women got the right to own property? (Hint: the slaves were "freed" long before this event.) When did women get the right to vote? How long in the history of human relations did romance ever enter into the negotiations of a marriage? (Hint: a tiny fraction of the whole history.)

Shall I continue?