Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why a Torture Investigation Matters

“…one of the newly released torture memos reveals that Mohammed was waterboarded 183 times and Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times.”
Torture Was Used to Try to Link Saddam With 9/11
Those numbers were for one month, not the entirety of their confinement!!

You have to ask yourself, if waterboarding works, as claimed by Dick Cheney, then why the need for so many “treatments”?

New questions will now be asked.

Will Obama allow Cheney, Rice, and the rest of the “Torture Team” to be extradited to Spain, where a judge is currently investigating their actions under an international treaty signed by the U.S.?

Did you know the U.S. prosecuted Japanese who waterboarded their prisoners during WWII?

Did you know all the “enhanced interrogation” techniques used at Guantánamo were the techniques learned from the Chinese Communists during the Cold War?

You can hear the answers to these questions and more. You'll also get an idea how the torture story will likely be played out, and how it really is a scandal and a disgrace to our democracy. Listen to the link on Fresh Air, Spanish Court To Investigate Bush's 'Torture Team'

Don’t let the Torture Team slither away. Learn more and do all you can to bring them to justice.