Friday, March 28, 2008

4000 U.S. Dead … "So?"

It's all getting totally crazy now. You've all heard Dead-eye Dick Cheney's response to the question, "What do you say to two-thirds of the public who think this war should never have been fought?"


What about the 1 million plus Iraqi civilian deaths?


That's the response of our preeminent corporate war monger, the 21st century's version of the 20th century's infamous dictators. No loud gesticulations or swagger or stiff salutes, not Dick. He just smiles benevolently, pats you on the back and sends you off to the detention camp for the good of the shareholders. Dick is our corporate American empire's last great white hope - Prosperity thru War / Exxon and Halliburton über alles / Total Victory for Democracy, Christian Hegemony, and Israel…all on your money, and your children's money, their children's and their children's children's (borrowed) money.


We can't let ignorant, backward people stand in the way of our needs. Look at all the marvelous new inventions we need to keep us free!

Meet Big Dog, your friendly rabid robot, helping to make the world safe for Democracy, Amerikan style. Love us or die, my Arab friend! Don't you just want one for your very own?

Oh, and remember this cuddly creature? Isn't he the perfect companion for Big Dog?

Yes, it's all totally nuts now. Torture the infidels…give alms to the sub-prime schemers…support a 100 year war…switch to Diet Coke…aw, what the heck!

So what are you going to do…sit there another five years?

"It is a time for a radical rethinking. It is a time to reconsider it all, to perhaps reassess how we are presenting and digesting America's most costly and lost and unwinnable and brutal and ignoble and inept and insidious and depressing war that's not really a war; it's time to revolutionize how it's all packaged and broadcast and pumped like hot sticky misery into the heavily narcotized American cultural bloodstream because, oh my God, we are sick sick sick of it all, and only getting sicker."

Free iPhone with Every Outrage!

Bored with the 'war' on Iraq? 4,000 dead merely induce shrugging? Need an incentive to keep caring?
By Mark Morford
(and be sure to click on the Abu Ghraib image above to read a very interesting story.)


The Outstanding Public Debt as of 29 Mar 2008 at 02:33:56 AM GMT is:


The estimated population of the United States is 303,708,093
so each citizen's share of this debt is $30,997.99.